Rusty Blackbird Blitz Volunteer Opportunity

Take Part in the Rusty Blackbird Blitz

Volunteers needed to map this rapidly declining species

January 29 thru February 13th, 2011

Where are the Rusty Blackbirds? The North American population of this species has plunged an estimated 85 to 99 percent over the past 40 years. To help pinpoint where the remaining birds can be found, volunteers are needed for the third annual Rusty Blackbird Blitz taking place January 29 through February 13. This is when Rusty Blackbirds become easier to find and the population is relatively sedentary. Volunteers can report the presence or absence of Rusty Blackbirds at Data gathered during the blitz will be used to create a map of wintering Rusty Blackbird "hot spots" and will help focus research, monitoring, and conservation efforts.

The eBird program is led by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. The blitz is coordinated by the International Rusty Blackbird Technical Working Group at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center along with the Cornell Lab and Audubon.

"Blackbirds have been in the news a lot lately due to the mysterious death of roughly 5,000 birds in Arkansas," said eBird leader Brian Sullivan. "Although Rusty Blackbirds were not directly involved in that incident, they face even greater challenges including loss of vital bottomland forest wintering habitat across the Southeast that has led to a severe decline in the species’ numbers. The 'Blitz' will help scientists learn more about the habitat requirements and basic biology of this enigmatic species."

"Blitzers" will report the number of birds present at each location they visit, along with very basic habitat information. One hallmark of the Rusty Blackbird is its pale "staring" eyes. In late January and early February, males will appear mostly black and females will have rusty edges on their wings and body. The Rusty Blackbird spends its winters in bottomland wooded-wetlands, primarily in American midwestern and southeastern states.

For more information on identifying Rusty Blackbirds and where they might be found, visit the eBird website and the International Rusty Blackbird Technical Working Group site.

Jefferson Co. Schools Volunteer Opportunity

If you are looking for a way to combine hiking with VH (as Clark Dixon does), you might want to think about helping with one of the class hikes at Harpers Ferry Middle School. This is part of their school day--great way to get outside, get exercise, and be a Master Naturalist!

Good Afternoon Hike Leaders!

Attached you will find the hike schedule as of right now for the Spring. We are looking for volunteers like you to share your passion for the outdoors with the middle school students of Jefferson County. Please take a look at the schedule and let me know what day you would like to lead a hike and the topic and place if one has not already been requested by the school.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
See you out on the trails!

Amber Kraft
Education Specialist
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
A schedule of the hike dates was emailed to you. Please contact Amber if you did not receive it and are interested in volunteering.

2011 Class dates

March 19-20 Cacapon Orientation, General Ecology, Names/Classification/Identification and Soils (elective), Nature Interpretation/Teaching and Geology (elective)

April 30 Shepherd University Birds and Wildflowers/Weeds

May 21 NCTC Terrestrial Habitats and Recording/Sharing and Preserving What You Know

June 11 Cool Spring Farm Reptiles/Amphibians, Beavers (elective), Mammals

July 16 Cacapon Aquatic Habitats

August 6 NCTC Slime Molds (elective), Insects/Spiders & Such

Sept 10 Cool Spring Farm Wetland Habitats and Habitat Improvement

Oct 1 Yankauer Trees/Shrubs/Woody Wines, Service Project and Elective (elective)

Nov 5 Cacapon Service Project, Auction, and Casual Picnic

Nov 19 NCTC Annual Meeting and Presentation of Certification

Core classes are required for you to graduate.  Elective hours can be substituted hour for hour with any approved elective, but it is easier for you to plan on the ones offered.

Berkeley Co. Schools Volunteer Opportunity

Berkeley County Schools Science Fair January 22, 2011

It is that time of year when I ask for your help judging our county science fair projects. I can promise exciting students, informative projects, and light refreshments! It is Saturday, January 22, 2011 at Martinsburg High from 9 in the morning until about noon. Attached is a schedule. There will be a continental breakfast from 8:30 until everyone is finished. I would appreciate your efforts to once again make Berkeley County Schools Science Fair a success. If you are available, email me at: And please pass along to any of your colleagues that may be available and would be interested in judging. Thanks!!! Joyce Hobbs

If you are interested in helping, please contact Joyce Hobbs at

Jefferson Co. Schools Volunteer Opportunity

JCS Science Fair Scheduled

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

The Jefferson County Science Fair will take place on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at Charles Town Middle School. Students will begin setting up projects at 8:00 am. Judging will begin at 9:00 am, and should be completed by 1:00 pm. Contact for more information, or call 304-725-7821 and leave a message for Beth Pennington.

A Request to the Jefferson County Community

Volunteers and Judges are needed for the JCS Science Fair on Saturday, January 22, 2011. Times: 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Please contact for more information, or call 304-725-7821 and leave a message for Beth Pennington