July 16 - Agenda

Cacapon Resort State Park
Morgan Room, Cacapon Lodge
Agenda for Saturday, July 16, 2011

8:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
Dr. Peter Vila, Aquatic Habitats, 4 hour core class

10:00 a.m.+/- Morning break (15 minutes) then continued instruction

12:15 p.m. Lunch on your own. Lunch is available at the restaurant in the lodge or at the gas station two miles away.

1:15 p.m. Continued instruction with Dr. Peter Vila, Aquatic Habitats, 3 hour elective

3:00 p.m.+/- Afternoon break (15 minutes)

4:30 p.m. Conclusion of session

Today’s agenda times may be adjusted to best suit the instructor’s needs and weather factors.

As a reminder, bug repellant and/or long sleeves and long pants are suggested because of the presence of tics. We will be wading in a stream (ankle deep) and going out on the lake in a boat so here is a strong possibility that you will get wet. Sturdy waterproof shoes and/or short waders are suggested. A change of clothes and sunscreen may be warranted.

Bringing your own water bottle and/or coffee mug would reduce our use of disposables.

You may wish to bring related field guides or books.

For more information on Cacapon Resort State Park including a map of the exact location of the main lodge, go to http://www.cacaponresort.com/ or visit our Directions page.

• Upcoming Master Naturalist classes:
NCTC – August 6, 2011 - Slime Molds and Insects

Berkeley Springs Birding Festival

If you are look for some volunteer hours or elective class hours, the Fall Berkeley Springs Birding Festival might be just the thing! This is a terrific opportunity, very close to us and most of it is free! The preliminary poster is below.

If you are looking for volunteer hours, there are several ways you can be involved:

Be a volunteer at the reception booth for an hour or two (give out programs, sell tee shirts, answer questions or help with directions etc.). Please sign up for a two hour time slot on Friday between 4 pm and 9 pm, on Saturday between 9 am and 9:30 pm, or on Sunday between 9 am and noon. Contact Judy Webb at natureniche@earthlink.net.

Volunteer to help with this year’s Silent Auction. Last year this event was generously supported by donations from local artists, organizations, shops, and individuals and purchased by birders attending the evening events. It was a tremendous help to off-set expenses. If you would like to donate an item or help with the auction, please contact Helen Herlocker at hherlocker@gmail.com