July 16 - Agenda

Cacapon Resort State Park
Morgan Room, Cacapon Lodge
Agenda for Saturday, July 16, 2011

8:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
Dr. Peter Vila, Aquatic Habitats, 4 hour core class

10:00 a.m.+/- Morning break (15 minutes) then continued instruction

12:15 p.m. Lunch on your own. Lunch is available at the restaurant in the lodge or at the gas station two miles away.

1:15 p.m. Continued instruction with Dr. Peter Vila, Aquatic Habitats, 3 hour elective

3:00 p.m.+/- Afternoon break (15 minutes)

4:30 p.m. Conclusion of session

Today’s agenda times may be adjusted to best suit the instructor’s needs and weather factors.

As a reminder, bug repellant and/or long sleeves and long pants are suggested because of the presence of tics. We will be wading in a stream (ankle deep) and going out on the lake in a boat so here is a strong possibility that you will get wet. Sturdy waterproof shoes and/or short waders are suggested. A change of clothes and sunscreen may be warranted.

Bringing your own water bottle and/or coffee mug would reduce our use of disposables.

You may wish to bring related field guides or books.

For more information on Cacapon Resort State Park including a map of the exact location of the main lodge, go to http://www.cacaponresort.com/ or visit our Directions page.

• Upcoming Master Naturalist classes:
NCTC – August 6, 2011 - Slime Molds and Insects