If you are looking for volunteer hours, the Day of Caring is a great way to go—lots of specials like food and shirts to thank you! This info is specific to Flowing Springs Park, but similar work will be going on at Yankauer. You can volunteer for Flowing Springs Park at the bottom of this letter. To volunteer at Yankauer, contact Tim Murphy at timurf@comcast.net The schedule for Yankauer is the same as listed here.
The City of Ranson will be participating in the United Way's "Day of Caring" on September 13th at Flowing Springs Park. Similar to the April 2 event, we'll be doing some tree planting, some invasive removal, trash pickup, installation of a deer fence (electric this time) and give the trees from the spring planting some TLC with some water, mulch and beating back of some competitive weeds.
We'd love your help in accomplishing as much as we can on this day! Because it's widely recognized as a community volunteer day, employers often allow staff to participate in the Day of Caring, so please ask about it at work.
A couple of perks include: 3 free meals that day, a sense of accomplishment, and a t-shirt! Here's the schedule for the day:7:30am: Breakfast & Kick Off at War Memorial Park in Martinsburg
OR8:00am: Volunteer Open House & Refreshments at the Inn at Charles Town8:30am-4pm: Volunteers on Site (lunch provided around 12)4:30pm - 6pm: Dinner at the Clarion in Shepherdstown We'd love your help in accomplishing any of the tasks mentioned above. To sign up, please click on the link below. It will send you to a google doc spread sheet where you can provide me with your contact information and preferred task. I signed up myself as an example. If you are uncomfortable sharing your contact information in this way, please still sign up for your task, but you can send me a separate e-mail so I know how to reach you.
Everyone who signs up or contacts me will receive an e-mail the week before the Day of Caring with further instructions of what to bring, etc...
Thanks so much in advance for your help! Feel free to bring a friend! (But let me know ahead of time so I have enough food and shirts!)
Hope to see you soon!
Kristin Alexander
Potomac Valley Audubon Society
Day of Caring
Thursday, September 8, 2011
- By Stephanie
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Volunteer Opportunities