Another good VH activity. You do not have to collect the nuts at Yankauer,
but it's a fun event.
The Potomac Valley Audubon Society is once again partnering with the Potomac Conservancy to hold a "Growing Native" seed-collection event at the Society's Yankauker Nature Preserve in Berkeley County on Saturday, October 8.
The event will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon, rain or shine.
Everyone is welcome to participate. A state forester will be on hand to aid with seed identification, and seed-collection bags will be provided.
These events are very popular with children and make good family outings.
The Conservancy's Growing Native program is aimed at improving water quality in the Potomac River.
It recruits volunteers to collect seeds of native hardwoods and shrubs and delivers the seeds to state nurseries where they are nurtured into small seedlings.
The seedlings are then planted along streams and rivers in the Potomac watershed to help restore forests that filter pollution and run-off.
Since the program's inception in 2001, more than 50,000 volunteers have collected over 150,000 pounds of seeds.
The Yankauer preserve is located on Whiting's Neck, in the northeastern corner of Berkeley County. Directions can be found on the Potomac Valley Audubon Society website at
Pre-registration for the October 8 event is suggested but not required; people can register on site that morning if they wish. To pre-register or get more information, contact Deanna Tricarico, the Conservancy's Outreach Coordinator, at or 301-608-1188, extension 204.
For those who cannot attend the October 8 event but would like to help, the Conservancy will be installing seed-collection kiosks at the Yankauer Preserve, the Farmers Market in Inwood, and the Nature Niche store in Berkeley Springs. Families and individuals can gather seeds on their own at their own pace and drop them off at any of these locations anytime through October 23. Full instructions on procedures for gathering and dropping off seeds can be found on the Growing Native website at
Sunday, October 2, 2011
- By Stephanie
Volunteer Opportunities